Frequently Asked Questions

What is PEARL?

PEARL (Plymouth Electronic Archive and Research Library) is the University of Plymouth's open access repository of full text research outputs, including research theses. PEARL showcases the University's research and aims to increase its visibility and impact, enhancing the reputations of both researchers and the University. PEARL supports open access to research, enabling authors to share outputs with other researchers and the general public.

PEARL is migrating. All full text materials and research continue to be available at the current version of PEARL.

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What is the copyright policy for content in PEARL?

Items in PEARL are protected by copyright law. Author manuscripts are deposited to achieve open access and are made available in accordance with publisher policies. Please cite only the published version using the details provided on the item record or document. In the absence of an open licence (e.g. Creative Commons), permissions for further reuse of content should be sought from the publisher or author.

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How do I submit my research output to PEARL?

Information for staff wishing to deposit to PEARL.

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Why is my research under embargo?

Coming soon.

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A research output I want to access is under embargo - can I request access?

Coming soon.

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How do I submit my thesis to PEARL?

Coming soon.

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How can I request an embargo extension on my thesis?

Coming soon.

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I have found an error with my research output - how do I correct it?

Coming soon.

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Where is the Masters Dissertations collection?

Coming soon.

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How do I submit to a University of Plymouth journal?

Coming soon.

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What is the Digital Commons Network?

Coming soon.

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My question isn't answered here.

Coming soon.

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